Progressive Insurance Tracking Device Disabling Vehicles While Driving, Thousands Claim


Progressive denies issues with “Snapshot” surveillance hardware

Mikael Thalen |

Thousands of vehicles across the country are being disabled while driving by Progressive Insurance’s “Snapshot” monitoring device, drivers claim.

One driver who acquired the device, which monitors driving habits to reward lowered insurance premiums, says he first noticed something amiss after his vehicle’s dashboard lights began malfunctioning.

“I’m a pretty safe driver, but I was driving even safer,” James Manning told WBZ-TV.

As his vehicle’s performance slowly deteriorated, Manning says the issue became dire when his vehicle unexpectedly shut off in the middle of traffic as he drove his daughter and nephew to school.

“It was pretty scary,” Manning said. “I had to yank the car to the right to safely pull it into a parking lot since it didn’t have any power steering or power brakes.”

After having his car towed to a nearby mechanic…

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