Technology Internet Giants Erect Barriers to Spy Agencies | NYT

MOUNTAIN VIEW, Calif. — Just down the road from Google’s main campus here, engineers for the company are accelerating what has become the newest arms race in modern technology: They are making it far more difficult — and far more expensive — for the National Security Agency and the intelligence arms of other governments around the world to pierce their systems.

As fast as it can, Google is sealing up cracks in its systems that Edward J. Snowden revealed the N.S.A. had brilliantly exploited. It is encrypting more data as it moves among its servers and helping customers encode their own emails. Facebook, Microsoft and Yahoo are taking similar steps.

After years of cooperating with the government, the immediate goal now is to thwart Washington — as well as Beijing and Moscow. The strategy is also intended to preserve business overseas in places like Brazil and Germany that have threatened to entrust data only to local providers….

Go here

Ladies and Gentlemen of the Jury, Why Would They Do This? | Simple Justice

Cops conducted an illegal search of a house. So far, nothing new here. Cops found nothing. Still, nothing new. Cops decide to plant meth in the house. Interesting, but nearly impossible to prove. Cops get caught on their own dashcam talking about it. Bingo!

From Courthouse News:

A police car dash cam captured Santa Clara deputies plotting to plant drugs in a woman’s home after their first illegal search turned up nothing, the woman claims in court.

Allison Ross, who was arrested after the second search of her home, sued the Santa Clara County Sheriff’s Department, its crime lab, Sheriff Laurie Smith, and 12 of her officers, in Federal Court.

Someone always asks, can the cops be so stupid that they would forget there is video and audio running, and talk about it openly?  Well, apparently so, though the question isn’t necessarily about the degree of stupid as opposed to the degree of brazen.  Force of habit dies hard. Continue reading

Of associational freedom, nary a crumb left | Overlawyered

fags“…A discrimination-law panel in the state of Colorado has confirmed a ruling that Jack Phillips, a baker of wedding cakes, cannot turn away a gay couple’s request based on religious scruples, and further ruled, quoting the Denver Post, that he is “to submit quarterly reports for two years that show how he has worked to change discriminatory practices by altering company policies and training employees. Phillips also must disclose the names of any clients who are turned away...” Scott Shackford; CBS Denver via

A Federal judge has ordered the NSA to stop destroying evidence…..for the third time

America's Watchtower

 NSAThe NSA is facing multiple lawsuits in regards to its spying program. Under the law the NSA must destroy metadata which is over five years old, however the agency has been ordered to stop destroying the records because they could be used in the upcoming lawsuits. In other words; these records are now evidence.

  However the NSA has been ignoring the order, and the agency went so far as to apparently mislead the FISA court to muddy the water, so now another Federal judge has ordered the NSA to stop destroying evidence…..for the third time.

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Hard Truths and Adios | TL Davis


There is really nothing left to say, is there? Do we wait for the next Bundy Ranch? We all have our lives and we are walking on eggshells hoping to get a few more things tied up before we have to step out from our protective barriers called “lives” and become counter-revolutionaries. We have to stop trying to protect those things that are lost. We cannot hold onto what we have and do anything substantial to overcome the tyranny of the current corrupt system.I don’t know if I’ll write another post. The communication issue is persistent and maybe some folks are working on it, I don’t know, they have not responded, not to me, anyway. I hope so. As far as defense is concerned, I have it figured out for myself. I have always been working on a plan to secure my people. I have assets others do not, so I take it all a bit for granted.

The one thing we need to know is that we are not functional and cannot get functional without dropping the mask of propriety we cling to so desperately. I understand those who train, but that is with the idea of survival and to be honest, I think if you are active in this movement, you will not survive the first round. Might as well buy that cow right now. Either you will die attempting to do something constructive for the movement, or you will be targeted and taken down before you raise a finger in resistance.

I equate this situation to being the first of those troops coming out of the landing craft on D-Day. Accept your role, prepare a replacement, but if you think you are going to stand in front of that door as it falls away from you and survive, you are kidding yourself. We are martyrs and I don’t consider that term in an honorable context, but it is a fact. No one on D-Day wanted to watch their lives disappear, but they manned-up and they did it. Maybe they were absolutely terrified, transfixed by the horror of it, but they were there to be the calculated number required to reach the cliffs. That is how these things are figured out: i.e. how many lives are required for troops to reach the cliffs and how many will be required to scale the cliffs, etc. You are a number, an amount required to reach the cliffs. Anyone, who has been in the service, should understand this concept.

If you need Constitutional violations to motivate you, they are there; if you need abuse of power evidence to motivate you, it is there; if you need the government to investigate you, have the IRS harass you to motivate you, it is there; if you need patriotism to motivate you, look at the VA scandal and see what they think of our defenders of their power and that should motivate you. At this point, if you are not motivated to act, take off the III patch, delete the blogs from your list and just slip away into nothingness. The one thing you should not do, is involve anyone else in your plan. Make a plan, plan your plan and execute your plan. Start small, build up, protect your actions if you can.

The conclusion I have come to is simply this: they mean to take everything I have, imprison everyone I care about and if possible take me alive and torture me for the names of everyone I know. That’s enough for me.

I won’t shut the blog down, but to be honest, I really don’t give a damn.

In Praise of: Red Ice Radio

So I have been listening to some of these shows lately and find them thought provoking, balanced, fair and well outside the mainstream pap shoveled at us.  Sort of like Coast-to-Coast radio but without the delusionas and voices coming out of the toasters and such. Go here and check it out:  I will add a permalink to the blogroll.  GE.

Why I’m considering quitting | Ann Barnhardt

… When I read commentator after commentator breathlessly asking, “Why would they do this?  It looks so bad!”  I just shake my head.  They did it because THEY ARE THE ENEMY.  They’re not Americans.  America is dead.  It’s their state now, and they will do what they want, when they want, and what you think about it or what the Constitution or the old U.S. Code says is utterly, totally, completely irrelevant.

They don’t care that it looks bad because the overthrow of the constitutional republic is a fait accompli and has been for YEARS.  What the hell are you going to do about it?   Nothing.  Oh, you’ve made that PERFECTLY clear.  These people have been committing CAPITAL OFFENSES according to the old U.S. Code on a daily basis for YEARS and NO ONE GIVES A SHIT…

Eric Holder Announces Task Force To Focus On “Domestic Terrorists” | Liberty Blitzkrieg

….  “The threat from al-Qaida is much more diffuse after Sept. 11, and the threats posed by a single horribly misguided citizen or permanent legal resident in the U.S. is in a sense as great as what core al-Qaida posed before Sept. 11,” says Neil MacBride, a former U.S. attorney for the Eastern District of Virginia.

There you have it. It’s no longer al-Qaeda, it’s now supposedly your friends and neighbors. This is the prevailing meme of every tyrannical fascist regime in history.

The state’s war on the citizenry is becoming overt. Don’t be fooled, this is real and it is very dangerous.

go here:

Why the Gays are Winning | Patheos

…Here’s the real reason why the gay activists are winning: because Americans have forgotten or been brainwashed to forget that there is such a thing as objective truth. Truth has been relativized completely. What is right and wrong is not now determined by either natural law or divinely revealed law. Instead what is right or wrong is determined by the three secular virtues.

The new yardstick is not “is it morally right or wrong according to natural law and divine law” but “does it make me feel sad or happy?” “Does it work? Is it effective?” and “Is everybody being equal and is everyone being tolerant?” If something makes you feel happy, seems to be useful and doesn’t seem to discriminate against anyone, then it’s okay…. via Why the Gays are Winning.

Tech CEO: Why I Shut Down Lavabit | TBI

... If my experience serves any purpose, it is to illustrate what most already know: courts must not be allowed to consider matters of great importance under the shroud of secrecy, lest we find ourselves summarily deprived of meaningful due process. If we allow our government to continue operating in secret, it is only a matter of time before you or a loved one find yourself in a position like I did – standing in a secret courtroom, alone, and without any of the meaningful protections that were always supposed to be the people’s defense against an abuse of the state’s power….  via Business Insider.

Obama’s Internet ID Plot Being Tested in Two States | New American

A plot by the Obama administration to impose Internet IDs on Americans is now officially being rolled out, with pilot programs for the controversial online “driver’s license” scheme already beginning in both Michigan and Pennsylvania. According to the White House, the virtual “Identity Ecosystem” being funded and pushed by the federal government is supposed to make the Internet more “secure” and “convenient.” Critics across the political spectrum, however, are warning that the Orwellian scheme only makes it more convenient for the feds to spy on people, control the public, and suppress dissent.

Indeed, critics, who have been sounding the alarm bells for years, say the plot — a version of which is already in place under the brutal communist regime ruling mainland China — represents a major danger to privacy, free speech, Internet freedom, and more. Organizations and activists from virtually every point on the political spectrum are gearing up to “vehemently” oppose the plan and its brazen threats to freedom — not to mention the constitutional and practical problems it entails. Continue reading

Can Police Search Your Cell Phone Without a Warrant? The Supreme Court is About to Decide | Liberty Blitzkrieg

Two very important cases related to the 4th Amendment protection of cellphone data went before the Supreme Court yesterday. At issue here is whether or not police can search someone’s cellphone upon arrest. As usual, the Obama administration’s Justice Department is arguing against the citizenry, and in favor of the (police) state. Let’s not forget that the “Justice” Department also argued in favor of the police being able to place GPS tracking devices on people’s cars without a warrant back in 2011. Fortunately, the Supreme Court ruled against it.

Naturally, the feds in the current case will discuss all of the criminals they were able to bring to justice as a result of these privacy violations, but they will certainly not point out America’s current epidemic of unlawful arrests, as well as arrests for petty non-violent crimes that happen each and every day. For instance, let’s not forget statistics that came out last fall from the FBI that showed police make an arrest every two seconds in the USA. I covered this in detail in my post: Land of the Free: American Police Make an Arrest Every 2 Seconds in 2012. Continue reading

U.S. Supreme Court to Consider Taking up a GOA-backed [NJ] Gun Case this Friday (May 2, 2014)

Jersey City seeks too much info on gun permit applications, appellate court rules | sourced from

Mayor Steven "Mike" Fulop, Democrat, USMC Veteran and ... has never been seen in the same room at the same time as pajama boy.  Curious coincidence??
Mayor Steven “Mike” Fulop, Democrat, USMC Veteran and one of Bloomberg’s gun-grabbing mayoral sycophants. Perhaps he has forgotten his USMC oath.  Additionally, Mike has never been seen in the same room at the same time as pajama boy.  Curious coincidence??

Jersey City veered outside of its authority when it devised gun permit applications that required “…substantially more…” information than state law allows, an appeals court has ruled.

The information sought by the city includes license plate numbers, prior employers and waivers authorizing the release of “any and all information” to police, information that is not required by state statute or by New Jersey State Police’s own application, the court ruled.

We do not conclude in this decision that Jersey City’s inquiries were unreasonable or made in bad faith,…” reads the 21-page ruling, released today. “However, the Legislature or the Superintendent of the State Police must authorize any requirement or condition for issuance of a handgun permit that goes beyond the terms of the statute and the State Police.

The ruling stems from a case involving Michael McGovern, who sought in 2012 to purchase two handguns.  The city denied McGovern’s permit, citing three arrests in Florida and “other – Good Repute.”  McGovern had declined to provide some information to the city, calling his refusal “…a matter of principle in pursuing his constitutional and statutory rights,…” according to the ruling.

McGovern said the three Florida arrests, for minor offenses between 2000 and 2002, did not result in any convictions. Continue reading

National Association of Rural Landowners –

H.T Serve Him in the Waiting Blog
cool organization: click the pic to bounce to their site

Executive Order: If a Child ‘Confesses’ that Mommy & Daddy Have a Gun in the House, Feds Can Disarm Parents… |

This is all being done by broadening the definition of mental illness to the point of absurdity. Often with the VA there is no psychiatrist or psychologist involved in the determination of incompetence. Instead, some untrained bureaucrat reviews the file of the veteran and if they find any mention of PTSD or the use of the word depression they seize on that and make the declaration of incompetence. There is no legal adjudication process involved in this; the veterans have no right to due process as required by the Fifth Amendment to the Constitution. It is tyranny in its purest form.

The use of phony psychiatry has been a weapon of tyranny for decades. In dictatorships like Nazi Germany, the Soviet Union, Cuba, and China people who opposed the regime would be declared mentally ill and placed in psychiatric hospitals or internment camps. That way no charges had to be filed and no evidence offered that an individual had committed a crime.

…  The VA is using declarations of mental illness to disarm veterans and there have been reports of states like California doing the same. If it happening to veterans now how long will it be before it starts happening to other American citizens?

Consider this; soon those stalwarts of integrity who run the IRS will have access to the medical records of every American. They will be able to review them to see if you have ever told a doctor that you were depressed, ever suffered from PTSD after the loss of a loved one or from being in an accident, or even suffered from some minor memory loss. Based on the criteria being used by the VA the IRS could declare you mentally defective and put you on the list of people that can’t legally purchase or own firearms.

You also have to consider the fact that one of the 23 so called executive actions on gun control Obama recently signed called for doctors to ask their patients if they owned a firearm. This is not just directed at psychiatrists, but at all physicians including pediatricians. In other words, if your child confesses that Mommy and Daddy have a gun in the house that could conceivably be considered the actions of mentally defective individuals and you could be disarmed. Once we are disarmed we cease to be citizens and become subjects.


A Terrorist Government | TL Davis [via WRSA]

War Creates Massive Debt and Makes the Banks Rich

…… News flash… - by F. Kaskais

Government of the Rich, by the Rich and for the Rich

By Washington’s Blog

Bankers are often the driving force behind war.

After all, the banking system is founded upon the counter-intuitive but indisputable fact that banks create loans first, and then create deposits later.

In other words, virtually all money is actually created as debt. For example, in a hearing held on September 30, 1941 in the House Committee on Banking and Currency, the Chairman of the Federal Reserve (Mariner S. Eccles) said:

That is what our money system is. If there were no debts in our money system, there wouldn’t be any money.

And Robert H. Hemphill, Credit Manager of the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta, said:

If all the bank loans were paid, no one could have a bank deposit, and there would not be a dollar of coin or currency in circulation. This is a staggering thought. We are completely dependent on the commercial…

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Obamaland: Where Cowboys are Villains and Race-Baiters, Gay Radicals and Marxists are Heroes


Rancher Cliven Bundy looks like he could still be in a heap of trouble for having thoroughly ticked off Fedzilla and the Keebler elf himself, Harry Reid.

Being the peacemaking Christian that I am, herewith are ten ways Cliven Bundy could get the Feds off his backside and actually ingratiate himself to the big government droogies of the Left.

1.  Bundy should fire his ranch foreman and hire Jay Carney who could effectively lie his butt off about Cliven’s cows. “Eating grass? His cows aren’t eating grass. What are you talking about? These are the most transparent, grass adverse, cows ever.”

2.  Bundy should rename his ranch “Benghazi” , then the Feds would never show up. Ever.

3.  Staying with the Benghazi motif, Bundy could also blame his cows’ raid upon the BLM’s grass flats the result of an anti-Muslim YouTube video. Case closed.

4.  Bundy should start boldly smoking…

View original post 245 more words

Supreme Court to Address Whether Campaign Lies Are a Crime

a12iggymom's Blog

The Supreme Court is set to address whether the age-old act of political mudslinging and false accusations are a crime, with the fate — or at least the tone — of campaign attack ads at stake.
The case brings into conflict two deeply held constitutional values: the right of wide open and unlimited speech, particularly in a political realm, and the notion of protecting the truth — especially when a person’s charter character is maligned.
The high court on Tuesday is scheduled to hear oral arguments for Susan B. Anthony List v. Driehaus, which centers on a dispute between former Rep. Steve Driehaus and the anti-abortion group, which waged an aggressive attack on the Ohio Democrat’s failed re-election bid in 2010.

Read More:

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Pox Americana: Fusion Centers

click here to bounce to post

When fusion centers and their allied federal partners are pinpointed on these United States, it looks less like “We’re here to help you” and more like a military occupation.  Dozens of documents and databases were scrubbed to elicit the actual location of these nefarious centers. You could say these GPS positions are a “fusion” of many sources… GPS Points of Interest files for fusion centers and their partners can be downloaded below:

You can use Extra POI Editor to convert to other file formats like TomTom or Magellan.

Baby monkeys given standard doses of popular vaccines develop autism symptoms | Natural News

If vaccines play absolutely no role in the development of childhood autism, a claim made by many medical authorities today, then why are some of the most popular vaccines commonly administered to children demonstrably causing autism in animal primates? This is the question many people are now asking after a recent study conducted by scientists at the University of Pittsburgh UP in Pennsylvania revealed that many of the infant monkeys given standard doses of childhood vaccines as part of the new research developed autism symptoms. Continue reading

What You Reveal With The Stickers On Your Car Can Endanger Your Family

I love reading folks resumes on the backs of their cars. Was never able to figure why people do that.


Your Stick Figure Family May Be Putting Your Family In Danger


” We’ve all seen the stick figure family stickers on car windows that usually show dad, mom, at least one child, and maybe even a pet.

  But one group says those stickers could be dangerous to your family.

  R.A.C.E. Search and Rescue of Ohio posted the image to the left on their Facebook page detailing how the stickers may be giving away more info about your family than you thought. “

    Read the article here and be sure to check out the R.A.C.E. S&R page on Facebook as it has loads of information on keeping your family safe , constantly updated missing persons posts and much more in the way of safety oriented tips and instruction .

   Check them out and give them a like . They are an all volunteer organization and are always…

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Physical Possession of IRA Precious Metals. No Taxes, No Penalties, No Depositories. | Perpetual Assets

……..        The IRA LLC   I must lead with a caveat here that I am biased to this concept. I am a ‘for profit’ consultant and facilitator of the IRA LLC. This platform has its pros and cons as any other. The upfront cost can range from $1,500 to $3,000 to have an attorney or professional facilitator set one of these up, and the proper setup is crucial. Involved are numerous legal documents, affidavits, and compliance requirements that must be met. Once setup the flexibility is great and the ongoing fee structure is very low, typically $115 to $200 per year. Within the structure the LLC acts as an investment company that is managed by the individual, whom is also the beneficiary of the IRA. As long as there are no prohibited transactions the investor can invest in literally anything except collectibles and life insurance contracts. Many include: investment real estate, bug out property, private placements, oil & gas leases, loans, currencies, Bitcoin, other LLCs, etc. The LLC also adds another layer of protection from potential Govt pillaging of retirement accounts as referenced above.

Perhaps the biggest advantage of the IRA LLC to the Precious Metals investor is that the individual (manager of the LLC) can take physical possession of Gold and Silver Eagle Coins with IRA funds and it is not a taxable distribution. The metal does not have to be held at a depository. For folks that have considered cashing out their IRAs or 401ks thus paying taxes and penalties, this can be a much cheaper alternative to physically holding precious metals. There are no additional IRS reporting requirements, merely an annual dollar asset valuation reported to the custodian…

Waco: The Sacred and Profane | Sipsey Street Irregulars

Waco: Where the legislative initiative to disarm the government afterwards?

Waco: The Sacred and Profane.

I came out the little driveway on the side of the building and got onto the main driveway that ran along the front of the building.   As I turned the corner . . . one of the agents outside a tank started screaming at me to come over to him.   My left ankle was all blistered, the skin was rolling off my hands, and my face was burned down the right side of my neck where the mask had been.   I guess I took the mask off after I got out. It was kind of melting onto my face. . . .  He was cussing me out, telling me if I made a false move he was going to blow my so-and-so head off.   But he said: you’re gonna remember this day for the rest of your life. I thought: at least that is a true statement.

via Sipsey Street Irregulars

E-ZPass Tracked All Over New York City | Drudge Retort

Indiĝenaj Inteligenteco

Daily Finance: Puking Monkey is an electronics tinkerer, so he hacked his RFID-enabled E-ZPass to set off a light and a “moo cow” every time it was being read. Then he drove around New York. His tag got milked multiple times on the short drive from Times Square to Madison Square Garden in mid-town Manhattan. This isn’t a part of the Lower Manhattan Security Initiative, the millions-dollar project emulating London’s Ring of Steel with extreme surveillance.

via E-ZPass Tracked All Over New York City | Drudge Retort.

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An open letter to all law enforcement officer in New Yory State from the The Oathkeepers

Socialism is not the Answer



As you know, the New York Safe Act was passed in the middle of the night by the New York City dominated New York State Legislature and signed by a Governor who would be president, without any input from the people. Who will be safer under this unconstitutional law? It definitely will not be the law-abiding citizens of New York who, if we comply, would have some of our ability to defend ourselves taken away. The law might be better named the NY SAFE ACT FOR CRIMINALS because violent criminals who carry illegal guns will never comply. They have never complied with any gun control laws and they will continue to use all banned weapons with the largest capacity magazines they can get their hands on. Only the law-abiding citizens like us and police officers like you, will now be at a disadvantage, not the criminals.

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What a surprise– it turns out they lied about the deficit last year | Sovereign Man


… Despite the Obama administration touting a budget deficit of “only” $680 billion in 2013, the GAO’s more accurate accounting shows a total government cost of $3.8 trillion on total revenue of $2.8 trillion.

In other words– the administration wasn’t exactly honest with the American people– the deficit was more like $1 trillion, not $680 billion.

But it gets worse.

The GAO added up ALL the US government’s assets in 2013. Aircraft carriers. The highway system. Land. Cash and financial assets. The total is $2.97 trillion.  The liabilities, on the other hand, total $19.88 trillion. This includes the official public debt, plus all sorts of IOUs and loan guarantees.

This means the net EQUITY of the US government is -$16.9 trillion [poster note: yes negative folks. GE.]

Moreover, the US government’s cash position is a mere $206 billion… roughly 1.1% of its public debt. This isn’t enough to cover net interest payments for the next year.

Unlike a savvy investor who borrows cheap money to purchase productive assets, the US government borrows money to pay interest.

via Sovereign Man and H/T to ZeroHedge where we saw it first

CT gun confiscation circus: Meet your Masters, peons | The Grey Enigma

Lt. J. Paul Vance, Sr. – CT State Police Spokesman
Your Master and a Constitutionally ignorant douche bag

It gives me no joy to participate in ad hominem attacks, but given the trampling of the United States Constitution that appears to be underway in the once great state of Connecticut I thought that the taxpayers there might like a little additional information about the CT State “Masters” facilitating this fiasco.  Because he has chosen, or been forced to, make himself the face of Der Staat let’s have a closer look at spokesperson Lieut. J. Paul Vance…

Continue reading

Tensions on the rise in Conn. after Tyrants names and addresses published | Eatgrueldog

via Eat Gruel Dog

“Tensions continue to rise in Connecticut, as the home addresses of the legislators who voted for the ban have been posted on numerous web sites and forums. Many of the legislators are now calling for police protective details, regarding the publication of their home addresses as a threat to their safety.”

What’s wrong? Afraid of a few angry gun owners that you have made into felons? You are the ones who made them criminals; You have said it. Now you have to hope that some criminal doesn’t torch your house in the middle of the night and shoot whatever comes running out. It may not even be someone from your state. The affront that you have done is grievous enough that some “Whack job” (formerly law abiding citizen) may travel in from elsewhere to help. Will your fear be enough to frighten you from tyranny? No, probably not. Instead you will consume enormous amounts of state resources to protect yourself and double down on your tyranny. Here’s wishing you the best from the iii…… via Eatgrueldog.


* For Mac Slavo’s compendium post dated 2/28/14 at, click here.

* This was posted on 3.3.14 – Hey Connecticut, 1933 Berlin called, they want their Gestapo back.

Hey Connecticut, 1933 Berlin called, they want their Gestapo back
Hey Connecticut, 1933 Berlin called, they want their Gestapo back
Hey Connecticut, 1933 Berlin called, they want their Gestapo back

Judge drops charges against man for violating NY SAFE Act – 7 round magazine limit | Citizens Militia of Mississippi

Lockport City Judge William Watson found that it was unconstitutional for a city police officer to count the number of rounds in a pistol magazine during a traffic stop last year without a warrant. (Photo credit: Lockport Journal)

via   A municipal court judge in New York ruled Wednesday that Paul Wojdan’s rights were violated when police counted the number of rounds in his handgun and then charged him with violations under the SAFE Act.

Lockport City Judge William Watson dropped misdemeanor charges against Wojdan, which stemmed from an October 2013 encounter with Lockport Police officers.

At a traffic stop  Wojdan was found to have 10 rounds in the magazine of his legally owned pistol, in violation of the SAFE Act’s arbitrary seven-round limit.

Between the time that Wojdan was arrested and his court date this week, a Federal Judge ruled that New York’s seven-round limit was unconstitutional. Continue reading

Connecticut Gun Confiscation Letters in the Mail to New “Constitution Felons”


Should the governor of Connecticut decide to go through with forcible house-by-house searching it will lead to shooting and loss of lives. The question to be pondered is whether or not such a grave risk is prudent, unless it is to cover some type of FALSE FLAG OPERATION that has been practiced and bolstered through drama and theatrics. Sandy Hook Elementary School, in that case would be revealed as many have be claiming, as a False Flag Operation perpetrated by the government. Possibility exists that should there be violence, it will only spread, then what of, property damage, physical injury, serious physical injury, and death, resulting?”  comment by  Brittius

The Deep State Hiding in Plain Sight | Moyers

Everyone knows about the military-industrial complex, which, in his farewell address, President Eisenhower warned had the potential to “endanger our liberties or democratic process” but have you heard of the “Deep State?”

Mike Lofgren, a former GOP congressional staff member with the powerful House and Senate Budget Committees, joins Bill to talk about what he calls the Deep State, a hybrid of corporate America and the national security state, which is “out of control” and “unconstrained.” In it, Lofgren says, elected and unelected figures collude to protect and serve powerful vested interests. “It is … the red thread that runs through the history of the last three decades. It is how we had deregulation, financialization of the economy, the Wall Street bust, the erosion or our civil liberties and perpetual war,” Lofgren tells Bill.

Lofgren says the Deep State’s heart lies in Washington, DC, but its tentacles reach out to Wall Street, which Lofgren describes as “the ultimate backstop to the whole operation,” Silicon Valley and over 400,000 contractors, private citizens who have top-secret security clearances. Like any other bureaucracy, it’s groupthink that drives the Deep State.

In conjunction with this week’s show, Mike Lofgren has written an exclusive essay, “Anatomy of the Deep State.”

Producer: Gina Kim. Segment Producer: Lena Shemel. Editor: Rob Kuhns. Intro Editor: Sikay Tang.

The Hows and Whys of Gold Price Manipulation | Paul Craig Roberts & Dave Kranzler

The deregulation of the financial system during the Clinton and George W. Bush regimes had the predictable result: financial concentration and reckless behavior. A handful of banks grew so large that financial authorities declared them “too big to fail.” Removed from market discipline, the banks became wards of the government requiring massive creation of new money by the Federal Reserve in order to support through the policy of Quantitative Easing the prices of financial instruments on the banks’ balance sheets and in order to finance at low interest rates trillion dollar federal budget deficits associated with the long recession caused by the financial crisis. Continue reading

Please Repost : The NSA Keyword list

Just give the guys at NSA something to make the screen light up, please send this list by email, text, fax and social media to everyone you know, and some that you don’t. Grey Enigma. _________________________________

Assassination Attack Domestic security Drill Exercise Cops Law enforcement Authorities Disaster assistance Disaster management DNDO (Domestic Nuclear Detection Office) National preparedness Mitigation Prevention Response Recovery Dirty bomb Domestic nuclear detection Emergency management Emergency response First responder Homeland security Maritime domain awareness (MDA) National preparedness initiative Militia Shooting Shots fired Evacuation Deaths Hostage Explosion (explosive) Police Disaster medical assistance team (DMAT) Organized crime Gangs National security State of emergency Security Breach Threat Standoff SWAT Screening Lockdown Bomb (squad or threat) Crash Looting Riot Emergency Landing Pipe bomb Continue reading

Invisible: With justice & liberty for all | Ol’ Remus & The Woodpile Report

In doomer fiction the western states get the big sort-of-army irregulars, usually coordinating their military derring-do with loyal units of the regular armed forces, who together defeat the evil invaders on page 360. It’s a rule. See the 1984 movie Red Dawn, or David Aikman’s 1993 novel When The Almond Tree Blossoms for instance, or more currently, Max Velocity’s Patriot Dawn, all of which assume a Resistance defending large areas and counterattacking in set piece battles. But they posit another place, an active partisan region well east, behind enemy lines on all sides, namely, Appalachia.  There’s a reason. Continue reading

One Percent of the Population is Responsible for 63% of Violent Crime Convictions | Nanopatents

The majority of all violent crime in Sweden is committed by a small number of people.  They are almost all male (92%) who early in life develops violent criminality, substance abuse problems, often diagnosed with personality disorders and commit large number non-violent crimes. These are the findings of researchers at Sahlgrenska Academy who have examined 2.5 million people in Swedish criminal and population registers.

In this study, the Gothenburg researchers matched all convictions for violent crime in Sweden between 1973 and 2004 with nation-wide population register for those born between 1958 to 1980 (2.5 million).

Four percent convicted. Of the 2.5 million individuals included in the study, 4 percent were convicted of at least one violent crime, 93,642 individuals in total. Of these convicted at least once, 26 percent were re-convicted three or more times, thus resulting in 1 percent of the population (23,342 individuals) accounting for 63 percent of all violent crime convictions during the study period. Continue reading

FEMA Preparing For Something Major In Region 3 While Nuke’s Transported To S. Carolina

I echo STLloyd’s comments on this, i.e. “You all know how I feel about Alex Jones, take anything he says with a grain of salt because he sensationalizes to the hilt, however, he also is often the “first on the spot” when something is going on that our government isn’t telling us about. The threat this country is under right now is very real. That much is for certain. ” GE.

72 Types Of Americans That Are Considered “Potential Terrorists” In Official Government Documents | ActivistPost

Courtesy of Michael Snyder at Activist Post, consider the following…

“Below is a list of 72 types of Americans that are considered to be “extremists” and “potential terrorists” in official U.S. government documents. To see the original source document for each point, just click on the link. As you can see, this list covers most of the country…

1. Those that talk about “individual liberties”

2. Those that advocate for states’ rights

3. Those that want “to make the world a better place”

4. “The colonists who sought to free themselves from British rule”

5. Those that are interested in “defeating the Communists”

6. Those that believe “that the interests of one’s own nation are separate from the interests of other nations or the common interest of all nations”

7. Anyone that holds a “political ideology that considers the state to be unnecessary, harmful,or undesirable”

8. Anyone that possesses an “intolerance toward other religions”

9. Those that “take action to fight against the exploitation of the environment and/or animals”

10. “Anti-Gay”

11. “Anti-Immigrant”

12. “Anti-Muslim”

13. “The Patriot Movement”

14. “Opposition to equal rights for gays and lesbians”

15. Members of the Family Research Council Continue reading

Pirates | Bill Still

This is a MUST WATCH re privacy, NSA and government snooping.  H/T Karl Denninger @ The Market Ticker


Pennsylvanians ask feds to help disarm intimidating small-town militia


The police chief of a small Pennsylvania borough has been temporarily removed from his post, but his opponents are far from satisfied. Now residents of a sparsely populated former coal town are asking the feds to intervene in fear of an armed revolt.

Gilberton, Pennsylvania Police Chief Mark Kessler made international headlines last month when his personal, profanity laced YouTube videos went viral, in turn exposing the world to a lawman seemingly intent with defending his Second Amendment right by any means necessary.

Kessler uploaded a number of similar videos of himself screaming obscenities at the likes of Sec. Kerry and others, ending each episode by unloading dozens of automatic rounds in front of the camera. After repeated calls for official action, the city suspended him last week for using borough property for personal use. As he awaits the end of his suspension, though, his critics are asking for the…

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White House Not Familiar With Obama’s Oklahoma Sons

Real Climate Science

ScreenHunter_31 Aug. 22 06.04

Josh Earnest, principal deputy White House press secretary, said he was not familiar with the murder of Australian jogger Chris Lane during Wednesday’s White House briefing.  When asked by Fox News chief White House correspondent Ed Henry about the Chris Lane case, Earnest responded, “I’m not familiar with it, actually.”

White House spokesman ‘not familiar with’ Chris Lane murder | The Daily Caller

During his speech a few weeks ago, Obama suggested that the world would be a much better place if troubled black teenagers carried guns around with them.

I just ask people to consider if Trayvon Martin was of age and armed, could he have stood his ground on that sidewalk?

– Barack Obama  July 19, 2013

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21 August: Remember Ruby Ridge

This government-contrived tragedy near Naples, ID in 1992 – followed by Waco in ’93 – were the opening shots. Did we miss their meaning? Look back on these two 20-year-old events through what you now know about the expansion of unchecked government-power since. Do you like where we have gone?

Court Rules New Jersey Has No Second Amendment Rights Outside Of The Household


This One Is Sure To End Up In The Supreme Court 


” On July 31, 2013, a ruling by the US Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit maintained blighting New Jersey residents’ Second Amendment in the Drake v. Filko case. With the ruling, citizens are required to show proof of justifiable need for carrying a firearm before they are able to receive a license to carry concealed.

Essentially, they have to give proof that they need the firearm and can’t just purchase one solely for protection. Of course, proponents of not only the constitutional but also natural right to self-defense, are beside themselves over the court saying that a requirement such as this, “does not burden conduct within the scope of the Second Amendment’s guarantee.”

As if that’s not enough of a blow to New Jersey’s right to bear arms, in addition, the court…

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New Jersey schools using person-tracking cameras, RFID and geo-tracking for students

Against RFID in schools

“As we see more and more violence in schools every day, we strive to find ways for our children to learn without fearing for their own safety,” Clarity Vice President Martin Okun.  Okun believes the security measures will a model for other districts concerned about security.

(If schools are that dangerous, more dangerous it seems than any other area of society, perhaps the simple solution is not to go to school and home educate.)

Person-tracking cameras, geo-tracking throughout building facilitates including transport, electronic access control, armed law enforcement and RFID tagging the occupants.  Sound like a prison or high security military base?  No.

This is a school district in New Jersey and this is Belleville School District’s reaction to the shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary school, Newtown, Connecticut as reported in and Belleville-Nutley Patch.

Belleville School District seem to be the first school in the US…

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