A Global Temperature Conundrum: Cooling Or Warming Climate? | II&I

…Writing in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences today, Liu and colleagues …  describe a consistent global warming trend over the course of the Holocene, our current geological epoch, counter to a study published last year that described a period of global cooling before human influence.

via A Global Temperature Conundrum: Cooling Or Warming Climate?

Catch. Release. Vote Democrat. — Obama’s Amnesty-Pandering To Illegals Is A Raw Deal For U.S. Voters – Investors.com

“Election ’12: In his most brazen act of pandering to date, President Obama has dangled de facto amnesty to 800,000 illegal immigrants in a shameless bid to win Latino votes. This is pure banana-republic electoral politics…” via Investors.com.

Subculture of Americans prepares for civilization’s collapse | Reuters

“…Modern preppers are much different from the survivalists of the old days,” he said. “You could be living next door to a prepper and never even know it. Many suburbanites are turning spare rooms into food pantries and are going for survival training on the weekends.”

Like other preppers, Snider is worried about the end of a functioning U.S. economy. He points out that tens of millions of Americans are on food stamps and that many U.S. children are living in poverty.

“Most people have a gut feeling that something has gone terribly wrong, but that doesn’t mean that they understand what is happening,” he said. “A lot of Americans sense that a massive economic storm is coming and they want to be prepared for it….”

via Subculture of Americans prepares for civilization’s collapse | Reuters.