Gunrunner: Judge rules the Department of Justice must release Fast and Furious log

America's Watchtower

  project-gunrunner-graphicIt has been quite a long time since there has been anything to write about Fast and Furious. In fact since Eric Holder ran to Barack Obama and begged the president to use Executive Privilege to seal the documents which I believe show the upper level of the Obama regime to have been complicit in the scandal the investigation has been dead for all intents and purposes.

  But today Darrell Issa, and all those who want to learn the truth about the scandal which left Brian Terry and Jamie Zapata dead, won a small victory.

  Here is more:

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Eric Holder Announces Task Force To Focus On “Domestic Terrorists” | Liberty Blitzkrieg

….  “The threat from al-Qaida is much more diffuse after Sept. 11, and the threats posed by a single horribly misguided citizen or permanent legal resident in the U.S. is in a sense as great as what core al-Qaida posed before Sept. 11,” says Neil MacBride, a former U.S. attorney for the Eastern District of Virginia.

There you have it. It’s no longer al-Qaeda, it’s now supposedly your friends and neighbors. This is the prevailing meme of every tyrannical fascist regime in history.

The state’s war on the citizenry is becoming overt. Don’t be fooled, this is real and it is very dangerous.

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