20 Big Ways The Recession Is Changing Young Adults | NanoPatents

via Nano Patents and Innovations: 20 Big Ways The Recession Is Changing Young Adults.

It’s tempting to assume that young adults, much less settled into their lives than older adults, would be less hard hit by the recession. Yet new research has demonstrated that young adults are taking a particularly damaging hit in this economic downturn, and that the effects of their experiences during these formative years could cause long-term changes in their beliefs, values, and career choices.Whether they’re delaying quintessential rites of passage, altering their attitudes towards consumption and spending, or forgoing college to start a career, it’s clear that many young adults are feeling some serious pressure from the recession. Here, we’ve collected some of the biggest and sometimes most surprising ways the poor economic situation is changing how young adults think and act, with repercussions that could resonate for decades to come.

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