Silent Circle’s latest app democratizes encryption. Governments won’t be happy. | Slate

By Ryan Gallagher|Posted Monday, Feb. 4, 2013, at 12:21 PM ET

Meet the groundbreaking new encryption app set to revolutionize privacy and freak out the feds.  For the past few months, some of the world’s leading cryptographers have been keeping a closely guarded secret about a pioneering new invention. Today, they’ve decided it’s time to tell all.

Back in October, the startup tech firm Silent Circle ruffled governments’ feathers with a “surveillance-proof” smartphone app to allow people to make secure phone calls and send texts easily. Now, the company is pushing things even further—with a groundbreaking encrypted data transfer app that will enable people to send files securely from a smartphone or tablet at the touch of a button…. via Slate Magazine.

3 thoughts on “Silent Circle’s latest app democratizes encryption. Governments won’t be happy. | Slate

  1. Brittius 02/10/2013 / 7:23 AM

    They will be pressured to give the encryption key/public key to the government. Maybe 15 or 20 years ago there was an encryption system named “Satan”, they refused to give the government the key and that drove the government wild. Don’t know what ever happened but I never heard their name nor encryption system ever again.


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