Sherriff Joe Arpaio (AZ) and the Obama Birth Certificate & Eligibility – “Investigators now in hunt for forger” | WND

SSN selective service hawaii cover up manchurian candidate Members of the Cold Case Posse in Maricopa County, Ariz., whose report to Sheriff Joe Arpaio yesterday confirmed there is probable cause to believe Barack Obama’s much-ballyhooed birth certificate document is a forgery, have begun briefing members of the county law enforcement team who may be involved in hunting for those responsible.

At a news conference yesterday, Arpaio and the chief investigator for the specially appointed Cold Case Posse, Mike Zullo, confirmed that they had found evidence of forgery in the creation of the birth certificate image and fraud in the presentation of that piece of work as a real government document….. go here-> Investigators now in hunt for forger at WND and also here Sheriff Arpaio’s Posse Surprise at American Thinker

Update: Judge weighs arguments in Barack Obama ballot dispute; Orly Taitz involved | Ledger Enquirer

ATLANTA — A Georgia judge has heard arguments and is considering a complaint that seeks to keep President Barack Obama off the state’s ballot.Obama’s local attorney Michael Jablonski boycotted Thursday’s hearing in Atlanta. Plaintiff’s attorneys urged Deputy Chief Judge Michael Malihi to hold him and the president in contempt. The judge didn’t set a timeline for a ruling.About 100 people listened to hours of arguments from the attorneys, who included state Rep. Mark Hatfield, a Waycross Republican.

The complaint contends Obama isn’t a natural-born U.S. citizen and therefore should not be on the state’s ballot. Similar complaints have been filed in other states with no success.Obama’s attorney argues that the president has long made his birth certificate and other documents proving his citizenship available to the public.The Georgia complaint wants to keep Obama’s name off the state’s presidential primary ballot in March…

via | 01/26/2012 | Update: Judge weighs arguments in Barack Obama ballot dispute; Orly Taitz involved.

Judge rules Obama must prove presidential eligibility in Georgia courtroom | Coach is Right

by Doug Book, staff writer

For those who have waited 3 years for a judge to finally rule that Barack Hussein Obama must prove that he is legally and Constitutionally qualified to run for or serve as President of the United States, the day may have come at last.

For on Friday, Georgia State Office of Administrative Hearings Judge Michael Malihi ruled that subpoenas demanding the presence of Barack Obama in his Georgia courtroom on January 26th along with the original form of his Hawaii birth certificate and information on his myriad Social Security numbers will remain in force.

Obama ‘s attorney Michael Jablonski had filed a motion to quash those subpoenas, arguing if Obama were made to answer questions before the court it would “…[require] him to interrupt duties as President of the United States…” (1)

It was also Obama’s claim that “presidential electors and Congress, not the State of Georgia, hold the Constitutional responsibility for determining the qualifications of presidential candidates.” (1)

Well Judge Malihi did not agree with Obama’s arguments that the laws of the State of Georgia were somehow irrelevant to the process, or that his presence in the court would materially interfere with his ability to discharge the duties of his office.

In his decision to allow the subpoenas to remain in force, Malihi wrote, “…Defendant (Obama) has failed to cite any legal authority evidencing why his attendance is ‘unreasonable or oppressive, or that testimony…is irrelevant, immaterial, or cumulative and unnecessary to a party’s preparation or presentation at the hearing, or that basic fairness dictates that the subpoena should not be enforced.’ ” (2)

In short, as Judge Malihi so eloquently put it, “”Defendants motion to quash is denied.” (2)

The process before Judge Mahili began when a number of Georgia residents filed 3 separate lawsuits demanding that Barack Obama provide evidence of having met State of Georgia election law requirements before being placed on the ballot. Malihi agreed with the plaintiffs, quoting in his ruling Georgia law which states “…every candidate for federal office shall meet the constitutional and statutory qualifications for holding the office being sought.” (3)

In that ruling, Mahili stated “the court finds that the defendant (Barack Obama) is a candidate for federal office who has been certified by the state executive committee of a political party and therefore must, under Code Section 21-2-5, meet the constitutional and statutory qualifications for holding the office being sought.” (3)

Though Obama has managed to ooze his way out of legal responsibilities and requirements in the past, this time it really might be a bit thick for the acting president. Even the radically leftist Southern Poverty Law Center has decided to weigh in, giving vent to a typically childish attack of spleen in its “Hatewatch” column no less, where it snivels “…Malihi’s decision has been heralded far and wide as a defining moment for those who have hounded Obama about his lineage.” (4)

Apparently demands that Barack Hussein Obama actually abide by the laws of the land and the Constitution of the United States make for a clear case of “hounding” to an organization known to file suit at the drop of a conservative hat.

Here’s hoping Judge Malihi’s courtroom turns liberal petulance to leftist rage on January 26th. For Malihi’s ruling that day will determine whether or not Barack Hussein Obama may be certified by the Democrat Party to appear on the Georgia ballot in November. And as the Liberty Legal Foundation explains it, “without such a certification from the Party, Obama will not appear on any ballot in the 2012 general election.” (5) ….  go here  Coach is Right  for the rest

Georgia judge orders President Obama to appear at hearing; attorney Orly Taitz says it will be ‘100 times bigger than Watergate’ |

A Georgia judge has ordered President Barack Obama to appear in court in Atlanta Thursday for a hearing on a complaint that says Obama isn’t a natural-born citizen and can’t be president.

Orly Taitz, the California attorney who brought the legal challenge to Obama’s name on the March Georgia presidential primary ballot, says this is what she has been working for over the last three years.

“This will be 100 times bigger than Watergate,”

via 1/21/12

Judge Orders Obama To Prove Citizenship Eligibility | Libertarian News

Dr. Orly Taitz has been trying to sue Obama to prove his eligibility for many years now. It appears her efforts have finally paid off. Dr. Taitz writes:

I still can’t believe this. The order is in the link above. Judge Malihi, Deputy Chief judge of the Administrative court in GA, ruled, that Obama’s motion to dismiss is denied. He will have to stand trial and prove his eligibility for office.

This is particularly sweet, as it is happening in GA, where judge Clay D. Land maligned me so badly and attacked me with $20,000 of sanctions in order to silence me, to stop me from challenging Obama. Judge Land was sending a message to other attorneys and intimidating them, de facto telling them, “you dare to go after Obama, raise the issue of his forged birth certificate and invalid Social Secrity number, establishment will attack you and sanction you, just like attorney Taitz”

Now judge Malihi is sending a message: “nobody is above the law”

I am filing a motion for judicial notice in the other 5 courts, where I have cases. Please, spread the word.

View the motion to dismiss denial here. (go to: Judge Orders Obama To Prove Citizenship Eligibility | Libertarian News)