Black Power: A Done Deal | Fred Reed

October 30, 2014.

As I write America waits, again, to see whether blacks will riot, this time in Ferguson. Will they loot, burn, kill, and rape? The usual? The police in Ferguson prepare to protect stores from looters, as rioters seem to regard their insurrections as shopping opportunities. Will it come, we wonder tensely? Will the destruction get out of hand, spread to other cities?

It is curious that blacks, the least educated thirteen percent of the population, the least productive, most criminal, and most dependent on governmental charity, should dominate national politics. Yet they do. Virtually everything revolves around what blacks want, demand, do, or can’t do. Their power seems without limit.

Courses of instruction in the schools, academic rigor, codes of dress, rules regarding unceasing obscenity, all must be set to suit them, as must be examinations for promotion in fire departments, the military, and police forces. Blacks must be admitted to universities for which they are not remotely qualified, where departments of Black Studies must be established to please them. Corporate work forces, federal departments, and elite high-schools must be judged not on whether they perform their functions but on whether they have the right number of blacks. Continue reading

Obama Approval At 39%? | Grey Enigma Rant re: Gallup

via Gallup, via YouViewed/Editorial blog

Readers of this blog will know I don’t go in much for the delusion that the particular sociopaths in power in D.C. make a difference.  Really, how much better off would YOU be if the thugs in the red shirts had won the last election?

Still, I am amazed at this Gallup poll that states that if I had 100 people in a room, 39 of them would think Obama is doing a a good job.   Maybe all those sanguine drones move in different social circles than me, but I would be hard pressed to name a handful … let alone 4 out of every 10 folks I know… that have the Goebbels “O” sticker on their carbon-efficient cars, or bike helmets.

More disturbing is the chance that 39% of all folks in the Gallup survey are so profoundly disoriented, but that is another screed …  GE.

MUST HEAR: Kris Anne Hall & Liberty First speaking in Spokane Valley, WA on Aug 7., 2014

I just “discovered” Kris Anne Hall & Liberty First.   You MUST GO HERE and listen to what this brilliant woman has to say regarding history, liberty and government.

Click to jump to Liberty First Podcast via Radio Free Redoubt / Podbean page

[Hat tip: John Jacob Schmidt and Radio Free Redoubt]

The Populist Uprising Against Common Core Is Libertarian and It’s Winning | Reason

…. The populist uprising against the national education standards is a dramatic and recent phenomenon, given that almost no one had even heard of Common Core until just two years ago. The standards were developed in 2009 by education policy bureaucrats at the National Governors Association and the Council of Chief State School Officers. President Obama’s Department of Education took an immediate interest, and the federal government encouraged state governors and legislatures to sign on to the standards by bribing them with Race to the Top grant money. This led 45 state governments to commit to Common Core implementation, even though hardly anyone knew what that would cost (lots of money) or require (retraining teachers, purchasing new technology).

Since then, the American people have had ample time to learn about Common Core—and the more they hear, the less they like it.

Fierce opposition to the standards is remarkably nonpartisan. Both conservative grassroots organizations and teachers unions are urging state legislatures to resist Core implementation. Thousands of parents and teachers have shown up to town hall meetings to demand that their school boards don’t hand over curriculum sovereignty to regional or federal education authorities…

go here -> Common Core / Libertarian and It’s Winning –

17 Years After Gun Bans in Australia… Police Say Gun Crime is Out of Control | The Weapon Blog

17 Years After Gun Bans in Australia… Police Say Gun Crime is Out of Control

In 1996 Australia unloaded some of the most severe gun bans and gun confiscation programs on record. And for the guns that were not confiscated gun owners were forced to enter into license agreements and have their guns registered so the government knew what guns everyone had.

Well, they really only knew what guns the law abiding had, since none of the criminals actually followed the program. Fancy that. Continue reading

Pork Sandwich | Ann Barnhardt

…. Now, let’s go through and list the true premises vis-a-vis the Obama regime that NY Post still refuses to acknowledge:

A.) The Obama regime is the explicit, sworn enemy of the former United States and is at war with it.
B.) The Obama regime is explicitly allied with islam as both political systems seek to create a super-rich tyrannical oligarchy over a massive, destitute underclass.
C.) The Libyan incursion and establishment of a beachhead and depot there in March of ARSH 2011 was done specifically to arm muslims throughout Africa and Asia, and eventually Europe, who would overthrow secular governments and advance the reforming of the Caliphate, as well as fight against and kill US military.  The Taliban being armed with these munitions isn’t a “backfire” or a bug, it’s a feature and the original goal.
D.) The Obama regime is happy to see highly-skilled elite forces, such as SEALS, Rangers and Marines killed because they know and fear that such men MAY ultimately be counter-revolutionary and/or junta risks.  Remember the “SEAL Team 6″ massacre of 30 of the US’s top fighting men, packed, against protocol, into a mere National Guard cargo Chinook, and delivered on a platter for the kill by the Taliban, five months after the Libyan weapons depot was established.
E.) The Obama regime looks forward to the inevitable use of stingers and MANPADS against passenger jets – because that’s precisely what MANPADs are designed for –  and will use the terror and “crisis” to expand its power.
F.) The Obama regime never had any expectation that the released Taliban 5 from Gitmo would do anything but be immediately freed to return to the front.  They were released because the Obama regime is allied with and deeply sympathetic to the musloid political system.

I think that probably covers the above NY Post piece.  Only when you operate under the previous TRUE premises can TRUE conclusions be reached.  If you start with a false premise, the truth table is utterly corrupted, and thus all output flowing from said truth table will be false.  If you take the latest Fields Medal-winning mathematical dissertation and begin with the premise that 0=1, you can still run all of the equations… it’s just that the results will be utter, complete gibberish.  And if you try to use that gibberish in an applied field, like physics, your structure will collapse and everyone in it will die, because REALITY ALWAYS WINS.

Why I’m considering quitting | Ann Barnhardt

… When I read commentator after commentator breathlessly asking, “Why would they do this?  It looks so bad!”  I just shake my head.  They did it because THEY ARE THE ENEMY.  They’re not Americans.  America is dead.  It’s their state now, and they will do what they want, when they want, and what you think about it or what the Constitution or the old U.S. Code says is utterly, totally, completely irrelevant.

They don’t care that it looks bad because the overthrow of the constitutional republic is a fait accompli and has been for YEARS.  What the hell are you going to do about it?   Nothing.  Oh, you’ve made that PERFECTLY clear.  These people have been committing CAPITAL OFFENSES according to the old U.S. Code on a daily basis for YEARS and NO ONE GIVES A SHIT…

Eric Holder Announces Task Force To Focus On “Domestic Terrorists” | Liberty Blitzkrieg

….  “The threat from al-Qaida is much more diffuse after Sept. 11, and the threats posed by a single horribly misguided citizen or permanent legal resident in the U.S. is in a sense as great as what core al-Qaida posed before Sept. 11,” says Neil MacBride, a former U.S. attorney for the Eastern District of Virginia.

There you have it. It’s no longer al-Qaeda, it’s now supposedly your friends and neighbors. This is the prevailing meme of every tyrannical fascist regime in history.

The state’s war on the citizenry is becoming overt. Don’t be fooled, this is real and it is very dangerous.

go here:

Obama’s Internet ID Plot Being Tested in Two States | New American

A plot by the Obama administration to impose Internet IDs on Americans is now officially being rolled out, with pilot programs for the controversial online “driver’s license” scheme already beginning in both Michigan and Pennsylvania. According to the White House, the virtual “Identity Ecosystem” being funded and pushed by the federal government is supposed to make the Internet more “secure” and “convenient.” Critics across the political spectrum, however, are warning that the Orwellian scheme only makes it more convenient for the feds to spy on people, control the public, and suppress dissent.

Indeed, critics, who have been sounding the alarm bells for years, say the plot — a version of which is already in place under the brutal communist regime ruling mainland China — represents a major danger to privacy, free speech, Internet freedom, and more. Organizations and activists from virtually every point on the political spectrum are gearing up to “vehemently” oppose the plan and its brazen threats to freedom — not to mention the constitutional and practical problems it entails. Continue reading

Executive Order: If a Child ‘Confesses’ that Mommy & Daddy Have a Gun in the House, Feds Can Disarm Parents… |

This is all being done by broadening the definition of mental illness to the point of absurdity. Often with the VA there is no psychiatrist or psychologist involved in the determination of incompetence. Instead, some untrained bureaucrat reviews the file of the veteran and if they find any mention of PTSD or the use of the word depression they seize on that and make the declaration of incompetence. There is no legal adjudication process involved in this; the veterans have no right to due process as required by the Fifth Amendment to the Constitution. It is tyranny in its purest form.

The use of phony psychiatry has been a weapon of tyranny for decades. In dictatorships like Nazi Germany, the Soviet Union, Cuba, and China people who opposed the regime would be declared mentally ill and placed in psychiatric hospitals or internment camps. That way no charges had to be filed and no evidence offered that an individual had committed a crime.

…  The VA is using declarations of mental illness to disarm veterans and there have been reports of states like California doing the same. If it happening to veterans now how long will it be before it starts happening to other American citizens?

Consider this; soon those stalwarts of integrity who run the IRS will have access to the medical records of every American. They will be able to review them to see if you have ever told a doctor that you were depressed, ever suffered from PTSD after the loss of a loved one or from being in an accident, or even suffered from some minor memory loss. Based on the criteria being used by the VA the IRS could declare you mentally defective and put you on the list of people that can’t legally purchase or own firearms.

You also have to consider the fact that one of the 23 so called executive actions on gun control Obama recently signed called for doctors to ask their patients if they owned a firearm. This is not just directed at psychiatrists, but at all physicians including pediatricians. In other words, if your child confesses that Mommy and Daddy have a gun in the house that could conceivably be considered the actions of mentally defective individuals and you could be disarmed. Once we are disarmed we cease to be citizens and become subjects.


Obamaland: Where Cowboys are Villains and Race-Baiters, Gay Radicals and Marxists are Heroes


Rancher Cliven Bundy looks like he could still be in a heap of trouble for having thoroughly ticked off Fedzilla and the Keebler elf himself, Harry Reid.

Being the peacemaking Christian that I am, herewith are ten ways Cliven Bundy could get the Feds off his backside and actually ingratiate himself to the big government droogies of the Left.

1.  Bundy should fire his ranch foreman and hire Jay Carney who could effectively lie his butt off about Cliven’s cows. “Eating grass? His cows aren’t eating grass. What are you talking about? These are the most transparent, grass adverse, cows ever.”

2.  Bundy should rename his ranch “Benghazi” , then the Feds would never show up. Ever.

3.  Staying with the Benghazi motif, Bundy could also blame his cows’ raid upon the BLM’s grass flats the result of an anti-Muslim YouTube video. Case closed.

4.  Bundy should start boldly smoking…

View original post 245 more words

Physical Possession of IRA Precious Metals. No Taxes, No Penalties, No Depositories. | Perpetual Assets

……..        The IRA LLC   I must lead with a caveat here that I am biased to this concept. I am a ‘for profit’ consultant and facilitator of the IRA LLC. This platform has its pros and cons as any other. The upfront cost can range from $1,500 to $3,000 to have an attorney or professional facilitator set one of these up, and the proper setup is crucial. Involved are numerous legal documents, affidavits, and compliance requirements that must be met. Once setup the flexibility is great and the ongoing fee structure is very low, typically $115 to $200 per year. Within the structure the LLC acts as an investment company that is managed by the individual, whom is also the beneficiary of the IRA. As long as there are no prohibited transactions the investor can invest in literally anything except collectibles and life insurance contracts. Many include: investment real estate, bug out property, private placements, oil & gas leases, loans, currencies, Bitcoin, other LLCs, etc. The LLC also adds another layer of protection from potential Govt pillaging of retirement accounts as referenced above.

Perhaps the biggest advantage of the IRA LLC to the Precious Metals investor is that the individual (manager of the LLC) can take physical possession of Gold and Silver Eagle Coins with IRA funds and it is not a taxable distribution. The metal does not have to be held at a depository. For folks that have considered cashing out their IRAs or 401ks thus paying taxes and penalties, this can be a much cheaper alternative to physically holding precious metals. There are no additional IRS reporting requirements, merely an annual dollar asset valuation reported to the custodian…

Russia Warns Kerry’s “Threats Are Unacceptable” As Europe Weighs Sanctions | Zero Hedge

Russia has lashed out following comments from US Secretary of State John Kerry:


In comments on the Russian foreign ministry website, Lavrov added:


In addition, EU ministers debate freezing the assets of Ukrainians responsible for corruption and “targeted measures” against Russia if no change of course is undertaken.

  • EU Ministers Debate Freezing Assets of Ukrainians Responsible for Corruption – Draft Text
  • EU Debates Calling Russian Crimea Actions “Invasion” – Draft Text
  • EU Commends Ukraine’s Response to Russia Actions – Draft
  • EU Will Suspend Visa Negotiations with Russia – Draft Text
  • EU Debating Placing Arms Embargo on Russia If No Change of Course
  • EU Could Prepare Future “Targeted Measures” vs Russia If No Change in Course – Draft

Perhaps most notable though this morning was the following headline:


In other words, China was well aware of the plan and appears comfortable taking sides.

via Russia Warns Kerry’s “Threats Are Unacceptable” As Europe Weighs Sanctions | Zero Hedge.

In Putin’s calculus, U.S. needs Russia more than Russia needs the U.S. | McClatchy

Photo: Wall Street Journal

…Putin’s audacity is underpinned by the reality that, while patience is wearing thin, the Obama administration holds few options for punishing a leader who’s already calculated that the fallout is worth the message to the world that Russia will fight fiercely for its interests…

via McClatchy DC.

Please Repost : The NSA Keyword list

Just give the guys at NSA something to make the screen light up, please send this list by email, text, fax and social media to everyone you know, and some that you don’t. Grey Enigma. _________________________________

Assassination Attack Domestic security Drill Exercise Cops Law enforcement Authorities Disaster assistance Disaster management DNDO (Domestic Nuclear Detection Office) National preparedness Mitigation Prevention Response Recovery Dirty bomb Domestic nuclear detection Emergency management Emergency response First responder Homeland security Maritime domain awareness (MDA) National preparedness initiative Militia Shooting Shots fired Evacuation Deaths Hostage Explosion (explosive) Police Disaster medical assistance team (DMAT) Organized crime Gangs National security State of emergency Security Breach Threat Standoff SWAT Screening Lockdown Bomb (squad or threat) Crash Looting Riot Emergency Landing Pipe bomb Continue reading

White House Not Familiar With Obama’s Oklahoma Sons

Real Climate Science

ScreenHunter_31 Aug. 22 06.04

Josh Earnest, principal deputy White House press secretary, said he was not familiar with the murder of Australian jogger Chris Lane during Wednesday’s White House briefing.  When asked by Fox News chief White House correspondent Ed Henry about the Chris Lane case, Earnest responded, “I’m not familiar with it, actually.”

White House spokesman ‘not familiar with’ Chris Lane murder | The Daily Caller

During his speech a few weeks ago, Obama suggested that the world would be a much better place if troubled black teenagers carried guns around with them.

I just ask people to consider if Trayvon Martin was of age and armed, could he have stood his ground on that sidewalk?

– Barack Obama  July 19, 2013

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Allen West “The time draws near to teach this usurper and charlatan the lesson our forefathers taught King George III.”

Allen West Republic


by Allen West via Facebook

This week we’ll celebrate the 237th anniversary of our independence. But are we a free people? SCOTUS made an ill-conceived ruling believing the choice of sexual behavior should trump the peoples’s referendum. We are free to love anyone or anything we desire in America, but that does not correlate to rights beyond the unalienable ones Jefferson articulated 237 years ago. In California we have a state-funded grant for the Los Angeles Unified School District to abuse the concept of public education by turning public schools into indoctrination factories, forcing children to spout the joys of Obamacare. The district listed as a primary outcome for its project, “Teens trained to be messengers to family members.” Covered California spokeswoman Sarah Soto-Taylor said staff have not questioned this goal. She stated, “We have confidence that the model LA Unified brought to the table will be successful in reaching…

View original post 75 more words

Why Things Will Get Worse – Much Worse | ZeroHedge

Originally posted at Monty Pelerin’s World blog,

It is easy to be upset about what is happening all around. The economy is being destroyed, deliberately, by insane economic policies. Incentives to work are being eliminated by punishing work. At the same time rewards are increasing for not working. Not surprisingly we get less of what we penalize (work) and more of what we subsidize (non-work).


As an economist I get sick over what I see happening to what was once a great engine of productivity, capital creation and improvements in standards of living.

After two centuries of progress that amazed the world, the conditions necessary for growth and productivity are steadily being removed. Their presence allowed the miracle of America. Their absence guarantees the decline. Carried to extreme, the US could become a second or third-world nation within a few decades. Virtually all changes in the last five to ten years point in this direction and these changes are accelerating.

As pained as the economic retrogression is, the loss of freedom is even more disturbing. It was free markets and free men that made America the dominant economic power and the beacon of freedom. Without freedom, no economic policy can succeed. Yet, just as economic policies seem designed to destroy rather than create, so too does the role of government as steadily destroys freedom with its expanded oppression and power. The absence of freedom is tyranny. The absence of freedom is also poverty.

Economic decline is difficult to convey, although data are useful.

The decline of liberty, however, is not easily quantifiable and even more difficult to communicate. An email from Simon Black, expresses his concern regarding Leviathan government and its increasing oppression. It provides as good a qualitative measure of what is occurring to freedom in this country:

 By now it should be clear to anyone paying attention that most of Western civilization is on a dangerous slide into tyranny.

They’re confiscating funds directly from people’s bank accounts. They’re seizing reporters’ personal records and phone logs. They’re digitally spying on everyone’s emails.

They’ve authorized military detention and drone assassination of their own citizens.

They’re using tax offices to harass political opposition groups.

They tell us what we are allowed to eat and drink, what foods we are allowed to put in our own body.

Think about it. These are Soviet tactics, plain and simple.

What’s more, they don’t even care. They think we’re all idiots who are too stupid to even notice what they’re doing.

In fact, just a few days ago, Barack Obama staunchly defended his policies, saying “you can complain about Big Brother. . . but when you actually look at the details, then I think we’ve struck the right balance.” This is textbook sociopathic behavior: destructive, antisocial conduct and a complete lack of conscience.

Unfortunately this is just the beginning.

Imagine what it will look like in a few more years: trillions of dollars of more debt… more printed currency. More police state tactics. More invasions of privacy. More ridiculous regulations.

Continue reading

Here’s Why the NRA Won and Gabby Giffords and Mike Bloomberg Lost | Mother Jones

And as a partial counterpoint to the WSJ article on the same subject, I post this for your consideration.  In a nutshell, the progressives at Mother Jones see gun supporters in the same bile-green light of disgust and noblesse oblige as they have always.   Mother’s view of the NRA, however, as some disembodied corporate entity unrelated to the will (and money) of a large number of American patriots is logically dissonant.  I.e.:

Money, a tragic moment, and public support do not equal political power

Mother Jones —By | Thu Apr. 18, 2013 1:45 PM PDT

On NBC’s Meet the Press last month, National Rifle Association honcho Wayne LaPierre, the face of the American gun lobby, delivered this message to New York City Mayor Mike Bloomberg: “He’s going to find out that this is a country of the people, by the people, and for the people, and he can’t spend enough of his $27 billion to try to impose his will on the American public. He can’t buy America.” The day before, Bloomberg had announced that he would spend $12 million of his own money on an ad blitz pressing members of Congress to pass new legislation expanding background checks for gun purchases. LaPierre went on national television to tell the mayor that all those millions wouldn’t make the difference in the fight in Congress over new gun laws.

Guess what? LaPierre was right… Continue reading

The Gun Rights Consensus: The real reasons the Senate trounced the Obama agenda | WSJ

A pretty shameful day for Washington,” President Obama called it, with “pretty” being the only remnant of his famous cool. In the Rose Garden, Obama blamed the failure of gun control in the Senate Wednesday on three causes:

  1. The gun lobby and its allies willfully lied about the bill.
  2. The Senators who voted against it are cowardly and had “…no coherent arguments as to why we wouldn’t do this. It came down to politics...”
  3. And finally”…a minority was able to block it from moving forward…” through “…this continuing distortion of Senate rules.”

The media are amplifying Mr. Obama’s themes with less subtlety, amid a collective aneurysm in Washington and New York. Yet this combination of animus and overreach explains why the post-Newtown gun debate has been such a lost opportunity. Continue reading

Daughter of Obama’s Chicago pastor Rev. Jeremiah Wright charged with fraud | Fellowship of the Minds

‘Rev.’ Jeremiah Wright, of “G_d damn America” infamy, was Barack and Michelle Obama’s pastor for 20 years at Chicago’s Trinity United Church of Christ, which is really a church of black liberation theology.

Barack “Barry” Soetoro Obama and the Reverend (?) Jeremiah Wright, black liberation theologian

Investigative journalist Wayne Madsen claims that Rev. Wright ran what was essentially a matchmaking service for gay married black professional members of the church, particularly those with children. The matchmaking club was called the “Down Low Club” or DLC. (See my post of July 25, 2010, “Mom of Murdered Obama Gay Lover Speaks Up.”)  Corruption appears to run in the Wright family. Continue reading

Wikileaks Was Just a Preview: We’re Headed for an Even Bigger Showdown Over Secrets | Matt Taibbi

…Still, it seems like an insane amount of pressure to apply, given the other types of crimes (of, say, the HSBC variety) where stiff sentences haven’t even been threatened, much less imposed…..

But in all of these cases, the government pursued maximum punishments and generally took zero-tolerance approaches to plea negotiations. These prosecutions reflected an obvious institutional terror of letting the public see the sausage-factory locked behind the closed doors not only of the state, but of banks and universities and other such institutional pillars of society. As Gibney pointed out in his movie, this is a Wizard of Oz moment, where we are being warned not to look behind the curtain….

via Matt Taibbi | Rolling Stone.

Top 10 Things to Say to an Obama Voter Who Just Got Laid-Off… | RR

  1. “Hey, at least that successful Mormon businessman didn’t win.”
  2. “Didn’t your lady parts warn you this would happen?”
  3. “Look at the bright side- gay marriage passed in four states.”
  4. “Hey, Big Bird still has a job. Isn’t that the important thing?”
  5. “I am sure Obama cares deeply about your situation. Maybe he’ll send you a postcard from Hawaii.”
  6. “Would it make you feel better to know that Rush Limbaugh’s getting a massive tax increase?”
  7. “Now you’ll have more time to play with your unicorn.”
  8. “Isn’t it worth losing your job to know that religious organizations now have to pay for abortions and contraceptives?”
  9. “Well, now you and Keith Olbermann have something else in common.”
  10. “Forward!”

via RR: Top 10 Things to Say...

The Road to Oligarchy | Sultan Knish

Regardless of how many wars on poverty are declared and how often calls are issued to make the rich pay their fair share, neither the rich nor the poor will be going anywhere anytime soon. The question is what forces will keep the poor impoverished and where the rich will derive their wealth from.

The founder of Subway recently said that he could not have started up his company today. Similar messages have come from the founders and heads of other major companies. That isn’t to say that companies will cease to exist. What we think of as business has been changing for some time.
In most countries, starting a business does not begin with a great idea. It begins with connections. Knowing the right people is still important, but in most places it’s the most important thing. Continue reading

Supreme Court Maintains Spotty Civil-Liberties Record |

click to go to

The U.S. Supreme Court’s recent decisions regarding police powers were mixed, thus offering a reminder to civil libertarians that they cannot depend upon the high court to protect the public from unwarranted government intrusions.

“The U.S. Supreme Court handed police one victory and one loss on Tuesday,” reported National Public Radio. “In one decision, the justices limited the power of police to detain people who are away from their homes when police conduct a search. And in a second case, the justices ruled that drug-sniffing dogs don’t have to get every sniff right in order for a search to be valid.” Continue reading

MRC: “ABC, CBS, NBC Slant 8 to 1 for Obama’s Gun Control Crusade” | John Lott’s Website

The Media Research Center shows an overwhelming bias in the reporting on recent gun issues by ABC, CBS, and NBC. Here is the main summary:

■ Stories advocating more gun control outnumbered stories opposing gun control by 99 to 12, or a ratio of 8 to 1.

■ Anti-gun soundbites were aired almost twice as frequently than pro-gun ones (228 to 134).

■ Gun control advocates appeared as guests on 26 occasions, compared to 7 times for gun rights advocates.

CBS was the most stridently anti-gun rights network. By a whopping 22 to 1 ratio, CBS aired more stories that favored gun control (44) to those that supported gun rights (2), with 37 neutral pieces. ABC aired almost six times as many stories that favored gun control (29) to those that favored gun rights, with 25 neutral stories. NBC pushed for more gun control in 26 of their stories to just 5 that tilted in favor of gun rights for a 5 to 1 ratio, with 43 neutral segments. . . .

via John Lott’s Website.

Mr. Biden: I’ll be keeping my guns, you have gone too far | The Grey Enigma

The President IS going to act…they’re executive orders, executive action, that can be taken…we haven’t decided what that is yet, but we’re compiling it all with help of the attorney general and, uhh, and all the rest of the cabinet members, as well as the legislative action we believe is required… via Modern Survival Blog.

RANT WARNING: So, as followers of this blog have figured out I don’t usually opine much, preferring to let the things I cross post speak for themselves.  I fear we are at the threshold, however, of some new and nasty developments in this latest act in our ‘gun control’ kabuki theater and I can’t keep my mouth shut. Continue reading

Fascist America and Forming a New Conservative Party | USA WethePeople

Hitler1a-247x300…Our nation has entered into the last stages of fascism. Both parties have supported this path since Hoover and FDR of the 1930s, both parties are guilty. The only way to avoid a repeat of Germany 1933-45 is to go all out to defeat fascism here in America by any means necessary.

That means renouncing the programs that transfer power to the federal government such as social security, Medicare, education, transportation, and banking regulations, everything that allows centralized planning needs to be opposed. This means conservatives have to stop giving capitalism lip service and embrace the free enterprise system.

We need to understand government produces nothing; they can only create poverty, death, and destruction…. Continue reading

“Significant Resistance”: A Call to Action | Market Ticker

President Obama has said that his push to effectively delete the Second Amendment will face “significant resistance.” It is time to show him and those in Congress how much resistance there is for any sort of additional gun bans and/or registration requirements in a peaceful and lawful manner.  Print copies of this and dispatch them to your Congresspeople, The White House, and staple them to telephone poles and other locations across the country.

Militant Socialism in America | American Thinker

“…For the past four years, the Obama administration has created a Franco-German welfare state whose sole purpose is to forge a majority political coalition wedded to the Democratic Party.” The explosion of food stamps, the bailouts — all translated into an ‘I got mine, not gonna worry about anybody else‘ mentality that has ruptured this country into two camps:  There are those who pay and there are those who expect the payment without any effort on their part…

Which is why the 1952 piece by Elia Kazan titled “Where I Stand” needs to see the light of day again…” click here: Militant Socialism in America

A front row seat for the ‘fiscal cliff’ negotiation show…

You are here.

Beasts of Burden

Be Sure You’re Right, Then Go Ahead

“Who would have thought that it would fall to us, some of us in our so-called declining years (unless 60 is the new 40) to rescue the Republic?  In our lifetimes, we have had the war in Vietnam, and the Reagan revival, and now we find the left has been tunneling under us all along.  Last Tuesday, the platform we thought was solid collapsed as if its underpinnings had been eaten by termites, which they had.” — Greg Richards via The American Thinker

It didn’t take long, did it?  The next four years of misrule by Hussein Obama have yet to begin and already Israel is under attack, unions have killed off the once indestructible Twinkie, and tens of thousands of American workers who miraculously still hold jobs are facing cutbacks and layoffs due to the looming implementation of Obamacare.  Forward!

We tried to warn the ignorant SOB’s (aka the…

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Guess what they’re NOT cutting in the Fiscal Cliff | Simon Black

… I’ve spent days analyzing the bill… and frankly, it’s a joke. You can read the 200+ pages yourself if you like, but here are the important points–

As we’ve discussed before, US government spending falls into three categories.

1. Discretionary spending is what we normally think of as ‘government.’ It funds everything from the military to Homeland Security to the national parks.

2. Mandatory spending covers all the major entitlement programs like Social Security and Medicare.

Then there’s (3.) interest on the debt, which is so large they had to make it a special category.

The latter two categories are spent automatically, just like your mortgage payment that gets sucked out of the bank account before you have a chance to spend it. The only thing Congress has a say over is Discretionary Spending. Hence the name.

But here’s the problem– the US fiscal situation is so untenable that the government fails to collect enough tax revenue to cover mandatory spending and debt interest. In Fiscal Year 2011, for example, the US government spent $176 billion MORE on debt interest and mandatory spending than they generated in tax revenue.

In Fiscal Year 2012, which just ended 6 weeks ago, that shortfall increased to $251 billion. This means that they could cut the ENTIRE discretionary budget and still be in the hole by $251 billion.

This is why the Fiscal Cliff is irrelevant. The automatic cuts that are going to take place don’t even begin to address the actual problem; they’re cutting $110 billion from the discretionary budget… yet only $16.9 billion from the mandatory budget.

Given that the entire problem is with mandatory spending, slashing the discretionary budget is pointless. It’s as if the US economy is a speeding train heading towards a ravine at 200 mph, and the conductors are arguing about whether they should slow down to 150 or 175.

Oh, and there’s just one more problem…  go here

Chris Duane: Be A Blessing To Your Fellow Man, Not A Burden | Silver For The People

Chris Duane – Be A Blessing To Your Fellow Man, Not A Burden « Silver For The People – The Blog“…Just like we are presented with the illusion of choice every four years, we’re also given various movements that appear to be supporting real change but in reality are supporting the status quo. Therefore, real successionism [sic] starts with the individual… ” via Silver For The People

Valerie Jarret – “After We Win This Election, It’s Our Turn. Payback Time.” (WSI) – The Ulsterman Report

…A rep from Jarrett office was in today. She gave us a finish line pep talk and then afterwards, heard her saying how Jarrett is very excited about a 2nd term agenda and a big part of that agenda is to punish everyone who opposed them during the first term and the campaign. Strange that everything was “Ms. Jarrett wants this, and Ms. Jarrett is looking forward to that”. You hardly heard Obama’s name mentioned by her which I guess reinforces what people are saying. Valerie Jarrett really is the power in the White House. I know that when her representative showed up it was like royalty was visiting. All the big dogs were lined up to meet her and acting real friendly and they gave us a heads up an hour before and told us we better “put on a good show” while she was here.

The part that really stuck out to me was when I overheard the rep say that Jarrett told them, “After we win this election, it’s our turn. Payback time. Everyone not with us is against us and they better be ready because we don’t forget. The ones who helped us will be rewarded, the ones who opposed us will get what they deserve. There is going to be hell to pay. Congress won’t be a problem for us this time. No election to worry about after this is over and we have two judges ready to go.” She was talking directly to about three of them. Sr. staff. And she wasn’t trying to be quiet about it at all. And they were all listening and shaking their heads and smiling while she said it. Pretty creepy… via The Ulsterman Report.

Food Stamp Growth 75X Greater than Job Creation | The Weekly Standard

With the latest jobs report, it is now the case that “Under Obama, Food Stamp Growth [Is] 75 Times Greater Than Job Creation,” according to statistics compiled by the Republican side of the Senate Budget Committee. “For Every Person Added to Jobs Rolls Since January 2009, 75 People Added To Food Stamp Rolls.”  Here’s a chart detailing the growth:

click to jump to original article at the Weekly Standard Blog

Extreme Black Anger in Chicago at Obama: “He done did it. He ruined it for us…” | HillBuzz (hat tip Ol’ Remus)

Here in Chicago, I regularly meet with a group of friends who call themselves “The Think Squad”; these are men and women who are prominent members of the black community in Hyde Park and the City’s south side. None of them supported Barack Obama’s presidential bid in 2008 but most begrudgingly voted for him because they freely admit race-pride was their motivating factor.  These people knew Obama when he was a state senator and saw him do absolutely nothing for blacks in Chicago back then…and they similarly saw Obama do nothing for blacks (or any of his constituents in general) as a United States Senator.  The Think Squad has always seen through Obama and continues to speak out about his failings.  Expect them, and other blacks coast to coast, to become even more vocal about the “magical first black president” after he loses in November and the anger of “how much that punk wasted” really comes to a boil and people no longer feel intimidated or threatened when the Obamas have left the White House for Hawaii next January.  That’s when people will REALLY let it all fly, once the Obamas are no longer even a vestigial presence in Chicago and people have no fear at all in talking about what a sham their marriage is and how the two of them benefitted from affirmative action and white guilt their entire lives. Continue reading

Project censored top 10: The expanding police state tops the annual list of stories underreported by the mainstream media | Boulder Weekly

Project censored: The expanding police state tops the annual list of stories under-reported by the mainstream media, By Yael Chanoff – Thursday, October 11,2012

People who get their information exclusively from mainstream media sources may be surprised at the lack of enthusiasm on the left for President Barack Obama in this crucial election. But that’s probably because they weren’t exposed to the full online furor sparked by Obama’s continuation of his predecessor’s overreaching approach to national security, such as signing the 2012 National Defense Authorization Act, which allows the indefinite detention of those accused of supporting terrorism, even U.S. citizens.

We’ll never know how this year’s election would be different if the corporate media adequately covered the NDAA’s indefinite detention clause and many other recent attacks on civil liberties. What we can do is spread the word and support independent media sources that do cover these stories. That’s where Project Censored comes in. Continue reading

Must Listen: Ann Banhardt on The Hagmann & Hagmann Report | Blog Talk Radio

Ann Banhardt on The Hagmann & Hagmann Report, Sept 24, 2012.

Wobbly audio quality in parts of first half, but worth the perseverance.

I love Ann, I do, but she tends to the dramatic in her presentation. The facts she lays out are, however, stark and I fear on the money.  Go here for Ann’s site and her youtube channel

Anti-American Savages of the Post-American World | Sultan Knish

MUST READ – click here

…Forget the UN, the Post-American order isn’t a blue flag, it’s a black flag with Mohammed on it. There are far more people in the world who believe in a world order based on the violent ravings of a 7th Century madman than the number of people who believe in a world order based on 19th Century European wishful thinking. And it helps that the supporters of 7th Century violence over 19th Century internationalism are far more willing to use murderous violence to get their way…via Sultan Knish

Michele Bachmann at FRC Values Voters Summit, Sep. 2012

Via Caroline Glick:   Cong. Michele Bachmann gets it.   Watch her speech before the Family Research Council’s Values Voters Summit. As long as the US has leaders like Bachmann, I continue to have faith that America’s best years are still ahead of it.  She does America proud. May she go from strength to strength.

John Cusack Interviews Law Professor Jonathan Turley About Obama Administration’s War On the Constitution

One is forced to asked the question: Is the President just another Ivy League Asshole shredding civil liberties and due process and sending people to die in some shithole for purely political reasons?

There will be a historical record. “Change we can believe in” is not using the other guys’ mob to clean up your own tracks while continuing to feed at the trough. Human nature is human nature, and when people find out they’re being hustled, they will seek revenge, sooner or later, and it will be ugly and savage.

In a country with desperation growing everywhere, everyday — despite the “Oh, things are getting better” press releases — how could one think otherwise?... go here