Pro Libertate: The Baby-Burning Stormtroopers of Habersham County, Georgia

Foggytown's Micro Blog

Pro Libertate: The Baby-Burning Stormtroopers of Habersham County, Georgia
This is a follow up to a previous post.

Read the linked article to the end, rarely have I read anything as vile as the sheriff quoted stated.

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I want to move to the country that Obama is from

Rainbows n Unicorns


I held it down and didn’t churl. I was also able to maintain my composure and not stab my television. Yes, that’s right, I watched the entire state of the union address.  I was wide eyed and fascinated as the dear leader described how peachy keen things were. Apparently unbeknownst to any of us, we live in a thriving economy  that is busily churning out goods like never before seen in history.  Unemployment is at an historic 5 year low, we have added 80,000 jobs and manufacturing is producing goods at a rate unseen since world war II.   About halfway through the speech I decided that this land of honey and candy coated unicorns sounded so good that I must emigrate there to get my fair share. It was a wonderful place that he described in his starry eyed performance and I decided that I must go. Then my wife…

View original post 229 more words

US Daily Index: The Billion Prices Project at MIT

US Daily Index.  These indexes are designed to provide real-time information on major inflation trends, not to forecast official inflation announcements. We are constantly adding new categories of goods, but we do not cover 100% of CPI goods and services. The price of services, in particular, are not easy to find online and therefore are not included in our statistics….

Capture Million Price project