Mob of 200 “Young People” Rampage In Louisville, Ky | WHAS11

Oh those darned, rambunctious kids!  I have watched this video a couple of times and something seems odd about the “…young people…”, but I cannot seem to put my finger on it. Hmmm.

Regardless, the drooling imbecile Democrat mayor of Louisville seems to have the pulse of the matter, but he needs to consider that perhaps these shitbags were NOT “…raised better than this.

Perhaps Obama will clarify for us in a press conference.

Medicated To Mass Murder | YouViewed/Editorial

“… Here’s a spot quiz: Aside from personal or familial Democrat party affiliations, what’s the single thing that ties together all of the young mass murderers who have wreaked havoc at least since Columbine? If you answered “psychotropic drugs,” you get to go to the head of the class. With the exception of jihadist killers, who were drugged out on their own faith, all of the big-name American killers in the last few decades – everyone from the Columbine killers to Adam Lanza – were young men on SSRIs, Ritalin or Adderall.

The only one as to whom the verdict was still out was James Holmes, aka the “Batman” shooter. Most people believed that he was on prescription behavior drugs, but that was hearsay, not proof. Any doubts on that score, though, are now over. Alex Jones’ reports that court records show that Holmes, like others before and after him, had been on SSRIs when he went on his shooting rampage:…”   via YouViewed/Editorial.

Michigan muslims Throwing Rocks, Eggs, Chairs and Trash at Peaceful Christians.

Note: I don’t go in much for Islam-bashing-fear-mongering etc., but this video is pretty darn interesting on a variety of levels. It is worth a watch. GE.


This video was released a few days ago.  Peaceful, Law-Abiding Christians being assaulted and abused by moslem jihadi terrorists in Dearborn.  This is what America looks like when you naively allow millions of moslem terrorists into our country, and when the people have forgotten the laws of this land.  The individuals in this video need to sue the crap out of the Dearborn PD and the city of Dearborn for their deriliction of duty and We, The People need to send our organized Militia troops over there to do the work the police refuse to do.   Put a stop to this madness, before it’s too late.





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Police photo of armed teens posing with a bullet-ridden image of President Obama sparks Secret Service probe | Mail Online

Free speech or an offence? The U.S. Secret Service says ‘we have the right and duty to speak to them to determine what their intent is’

Oh really?  go here